Leaders in manufacturing

Unlike Lean or Six Sigma academies that focus only on theory and bring no results, we execute projects to simplify and automate your processes.

Reduce Labor Cost and Headcount with our Help.

Labor Shortages are expected in 2025: Let us Guide you to Automation and Labor Reduction Programs.

Future Labor Cost News

Minimum wage in Mexico for 2025 is expected to have an increase of 30%. In addtion to this a reduction on the weekly work hours and Christmas Bonus is expected to be implemented as the New Elected Mexican President Proposed

Upcoming Changes in Mexico

Christmas Bonus

Increase to 30 Days Minimum


Increase from 10% to 25%

Weekly Working Hours

Reduction from 48hr to 40hrs

Serving Our Manufacturing Community Since 2020

Baja California, Mexico, is key player in nearshoring, and its importance is set to grow significantly in the upcoming years. This strategic region offers several advantages for businesses seeking to relocate or expand their operations:

Collaborate with LCM Solutions, and by aligning with us, you secure our support system that stands ready for your business’s when you are struggling to implement a new Project, ensuring growth and triumph together.

LCM Solutions will do the work!

Say Goodbye to Consulting Companies that tell you what to do in a Perfect World when you know that does not Exist and barriers will come up after they analysis!.

I know everyone is tired of consultants who talk big, charge big, and leave you with the headache? It’s time to break free from the lecture-hall consulting, you need the problem solved.

Choose a partner who not only speaks your language but stays by your side, working collaboratively to solve problems. We redefine consulting – because your business deserves more than just a pricey pep talk.

Let us do this for you and Save in Operations Cost

PM / Coaching

Our Team Experts will guide you through the different challenges you might face.

Automation/ Tooling

We Develop Proposals for Semi-Automated or Fully Automated Solutions. 

Lean Management

LCM Resources will stay with you until the targets and savings are achieved.

Digital Transformation

Our Team Experts will guide you through the different steps and challenges of Manufacturing 4.0

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities

Choose Us: At LCM Solutions, as we understand the critical need to stay ahead in a competitive market.

Act today to prevent the escalating burden of manual labor costs. Let LCM Solutions  be your partner for  your manufacturing changes.

The Future of Manufacturing is Automated, Efficient, and Cost-Effective. Let LCM Solutions get there without Major Investments.

Training Investment Lost

How much Money have your company spend in Training that has never returned the Investment?

LCM Solutions give you immediate access to experts that will implement your Projects, save Money while you continue your drive for Growth and Success.

Talented People Turnover

The Salary Competition across business have placed a scenario where is quite common to lose talented staff due to a Salary War between organizations.

LCM Solutions will keep you out of this fight, with us productivity, project continuity, and overall organizational effectiveness will be up even with the talent lost due to turnover.

Hiring Expensive Skill

Because who doesn’t love investing a fortune in training top-notch talent, just to watch them become someone else’s prized possession? It’s the business strategy equivalent of a magic trick – pay a lot, and poof, they’re gone. Abracadabra, your investment disappeared faster than you can say ‘competitive job market.

Business Impacted by Our Staff Projects

Contact us for a Free Labor Reduction Study!

Want to Join The Club?

Hey Engineers and Managers! Ever thought about making extra money with your skills? LCM Solutions has a cool opportunity. Let’s team up, find interesting projects, and grow together while adding a little extra to your wallet. Curious?     Let’s chat!